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What does Medicaid pay for? Experienced Orlando, FL Medic Aid Attorney Answers
There are a number of different types of Medicaid in the state of Florida. However, for the purpose of this question, we're going to be focusing on the two programs that pay for long term care expenses for seniors. The first program is called the institutional care program. It pays for nursing home care. It will pay your Part B premiums for your Medicare and it will pay for care that you receive in hospitals. This is traditionally what people think of when they think of nursing home Medicaid. There is however another type of Medicaid that will help seniors outside of the nursing home. That's called the Medicaid waiver program. Medicaid waiver will pay for in home care. It will contribute to the cost of assisted living care, and it will pay for adult daycare as well. It does not, however, pay for medical expenses the way the institutional care program does.
1030 W Canton Avenue, Suite 102,
Winter Park, FL 32789